Challenging the Narrative… The stories we tell ourselves.
I am seeking help, and that is a courageous act.

Navigating the Depths of Educator Burnout: A Call for Support and Resilience
In the demanding realm of education, where the pursuit of knowledge intertwines with the daily lives of educators, a pressing concern...

The Behavior Dilemma
Let’s not give up on the ideal of education because we are not seeing the immediate results. Instead, let’s practice the long game...

Give Yourself a Different Gift this Season
The holiday break is right around the corner, and for teachers, these two weeks are anticipated not only for the family time and the joy...

As We Are...
We are in the first year of implementation of Michigan's new 3rd grade reading law, the law that has at its heart a desire to ensure that...

So Much Noise!
The other morning was not so much different than most mornings. As I was getting ready, one of my children barged through the door to...