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Session Two

Focus: "Having the Courage to Stand Up" 

Further Thoughts:

"School-based educators share with me that they think the district office people are so different than they are. The district folks wear ties and pumps, and they talk to the board and the media. While roles are different, and difference in responsibilities is clear, all of us are in these jobs to support students. As Bradford (Chohen & Bradford, 2012; Freedman, 2013) says, we hurt our administrators, as well as our ourselves, when we aren't truthful. We need to see ourselves on the same side working toward a common goal. We need to be less afraid of our status and more concerned that we do right by our students." 

                                                                                   Jennifer Abrams, Hard Conversations Unpacked 

Additional Readings:

Session Materials:

Logo for Opportunity Thrive, Teal logo, Black Text

"If the essential core of the person is denied or suppressed, he gets sick sometimes in obvious ways, sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes immediately, sometimes later." 

- Abraham Maslow

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